I’ll Take “Lakes” for $1,000, Alex

This lake is located in both the United States and Canada and is considered the sixth largest lake in the US.










We drove 5 hours east from Alexandria Bay, New York to the Burlington Vermont area. Nice drive across the northern part of New York along the St. Lawrence River. It seemed like every 5 miles we passed another small town….lots of towns, not a lot in them. In addition to the 1000 islands, it has 1000 small towns.

By the way, we did start seeing some fall color as we drove further inland.



The middle of Lake Champlain is the state line between New York and Vermont. There is also a highway running through the islands dotting the lake as well as a highway on the west and east of the lake. We chose the middle road….is was a lovely drive past lakefront homes, resorts and farms.

We found a campground just outside of Burlington (Vermont’s largest city) and after we set up camp we drove into town to walk through the Church Street Mall. The street is closed to vehicles for several blocks  with many restaurants and stores available to pedestrians along with many opportunities for outdoor dining, street venders, and buskers of all styles.

It was also very dog friendly. Copper was photographed by an artist for inspiration,and petted by many.


A water fountain along the mall


On the Earth Line

I had never heard of the Earth Line before so I found a little more info. You can check it out here…..


Not only dog friendly, but artist friendly too  🙂IMG_8606.jpg

I am sad to say I didn’t buy one…..but I wish I had 😦     Maybe I will see the shirts somewhere else.


If it is called Church Street, there must be a church!


and of course, if it is Vermont, there must be a


peace, love and ice cream!